Wednesday 31 March 2010

Shot List

Shot one - A tilt
The next shot which shows the other setting- Panning around the scene.
Shot three- the couple walking down the bridge, the camera is a long shot with the couple getting closer- handheld camera.
Shot Four- This shows the back of the couple, walking to the final setting. ending in a long shot.
Shot Five- This shot is of the singer- it is in a medium close-up.
Shot Six- Close up of lip sincing the words.
Shot Seven- A medium close up of the singer on stage.
Shot Eight- The camera is over the shoulder of the two characters. almost like a two shot but in a medium close up of the couple holding hands.
Shot Nine- A medium close up on the singer singer miming the words.
Shot Ten- Close up of lip sincing the words.
Shot Eleven- A medium close up on the singer singer miming the words.
Shot Twelve- A two-shot of the couple happy in a previous life in their relationship.
Shot Thriteen- A long shot of the singer merges into a close up of the lip sinc girl.
Shot Fourteen- Pans around showing the boy getting up and leaving, following his moves.
Shot fifteen- A medium close up on the singer singer miming the words.
Shot Sixteen-Following shot (pan) the boy as he walks away from the girl.
Shot Seventeen- handheld shot of the girls reaction to her boyfriend leaving.
Shot Eighteen-A medium close up on the singer singer miming the words.
Shot Ninteen- two shot of the couple standing in line with one another.
Shot Twenty- two shot close up of handing the note.
Shot Twenty one- over the shoulder shot of girl opening letter.
Shot Twenty two- over the shoulder shot of the girl reading the actual letter.
Shot Twenty Three- medium close up of the girl looking into the camera.
Shot Twenty Four-long shot of the girl spinning around.
Shot Twenty Five- Panning around epically fast, Point ov view shot.
Shot Twenty Six- Various fast clips of all that has happened in the above, A fast sets of clips.
Shot Twenty Seven- Panning around epically fast, Point ov view shot.
Shot Twenty Eight-Close up of lip sincing the words.
Shot Twenty Nine-Close up of lip sincing the words.
Shot Thirty-medium close up of the girl looking into the camera.
Shot Thirty One-medium close up of the girl looking into the camera.
Shot Thrity Two-Over the shoulder shot of the girl looking into the mirror realising reality.
Shot Thirty Three- Close of girl in the mirror
Shot Thrity Four- Over the shoulder shot of the girl in the mirror.
Shot Thirty Five- Medium close up of the girl lip sincing the words as she writes down
Shot Thirty Six- Close up of what the girl is writing.
Shot Thrity Seven-medium close ups of the girl tearing the bit of paper up.
Shot Thirty Eight- Over the shoulder shot of the girl brushing the table of things.
Shot Thrity Nine-Panning around the floor to reveal at the end the note saying, i love you.
Shot Fourty- Panning around the girl the month later walking to first setting.
Shot Fourty One- high angle of girl in her bedroom
Shot Fourty Two-stedishot looking at the girl sit back down on the bench the month later.
Shot Fourty Three- medium close up of the girl looking into the camera.
Shot Fourty Four- A multiple four shot- of the different flashbacks of what has gone on above.
Shot Fourty Five-medium close up of the girl looking into the camera.
Shot Fourty Six-Close up of lip sincing the words.
Shot Fourty Seven-Close up of lip sincing the words.
Shot Fourty Eight- medium close up of the girl looking into the camera.
Shot Fourty Nine- stedicam watching the couple walk away into a long shot.
Shot Fifty- the couple walking back up he bridge, the camera is a long shot with the couple getting further away- handheld camera.

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