Thursday 24 September 2009

Module One

First Module
To start with we read the different briefs that we could do and looked into them in detail to help us get a good idea, and to really know what we want to do for our final product. We started to look into previous students work, and what marks they got. This helped us to understand what was expected of us. I was quite stunned at what i saw compared to what i could acheive.
The second week i had a good idea in mind of what i wanted to do. I wanted to make a much promo, but at this point we was told we were only allowed to use royalty free music, and so i looked and looked through websited trying to find a perfect song, but no luck. The song i really wanted to do was 'Decode' by Paramore. I thought if i got another band to make a recording of the same track it would be acceptable.. While waiting for a reply to this problem i started to look into music videos that have already been made my famous well known bands. But i wanted videos that featured a flash back and to tell a story..

Week three, i chose my music videos that i wanted an analysis and got on with the task. This took up most of the week as i wanted it to be written in detail. Unfortunately at the the end of this week, due to my error it was not saved properly and i have to re start my second analysis, of which took me a bit behind.

On the up this we as a group found out, that a new spec had been sent out to do with A2, and this was that we were allowed to use copyrighted music from a well known band, just as long as it didn't get further than this. At this point i have contacted the band that re recorded 'Decode' and recieved confirmation of me being allowed to use their song.
And so now (at the end of the this week) i am looking into Paramore's song 'Decode', and thinking of ideas of what i could create.

At the start of week four, i have been story boarding our work, trying to put images to music. The first lesson of this week i went through the whole song and put an image to each part of the song. I then printed out an outline of a story board and started drawing in what my shots will look like.
We all then scanned in our story board and cut around each picture on photoshop in the sequence. I then opened celtx and uploaded all my pictures and started to write in what each image was showing and how long into the song it would be and how long it would be.
During the 5th week we were asked to start a presentation to show the examiner what we are capable of in Photoshop, and to show our abilities, this would be a good insight of how my front cover would look like and other posters i would be creating.

I got out the camera an took a few pictures of myself posing, this is because i will be in focus in my music video and this would be a similar sort of look in some of my final products.
During the second lesson on the fifth week i used photoshop and started editing the pictures i had taken! i went made with what i know and other things i ust played around with it. While doing this i was saving the images and print screening of how to do it, this will be shown in my presentation. I was still producing this presentation during the 6th week, which is where i am now. I am on my 10 page of my presentation, and i have added information about how i have created such effects. This really does show what i am capable of.. Other pages that i have added are to do with fonts, i have experimented with fonts, of what my front cover would look like for the Cd.. Everything looks good so far and i am happy with my progress.

During the last week i have added more pages such as the synopsis, and of be explaining in detail over 2 slides what i am going to do and what my ideas are about the other tasks. I have also contiued to edit picture and do CD covers and inserted them on the slides. I am now up to date with most of my work but still alot to do.
As we sre having 2 weeks off for half term, i will be coming into school to do some filming for my music video. On wednesay 21st of October from 12-4. I will need to make a calender on Celltx for me to keep up to date on what i am doing. Through the break i will get as much filming as i can do.

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